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ARC-KAIJUS  are kaijus that are 5000 times bigger,faster,and stronger than Godzilla,Gamera,or any other movie and video game kaijus known.

There is a category chart sort of like the Pacific Rim ranking of the size of the kaijus. The categories are listed below:

Category 0 


 This category includes most of the movie and video game kaijus, these are also the weakest and smallest kaijus in the category chart. They are puny compare to the other kaiju categories.

Category 1

Bigger and stronger than category 0, this rank contains the largest of the movie kaijus including Biollante,Bagan,and the legendary monster-verse King Ghidorah. This is also the start of the ARC-KAIJUS including trasspesser

Category 2

Larger than Category 1, all of the kaijus here are ARC-KAIJUS and only ARC-KAIJUS. The kaijus now have almost unbreakable skin and can hold their fire breath five times longer than categories 1 and 2. They also have three massive brains,one in the skull,one on the hip,and another on the tail.

Category 3

Category 3 kaijus are super destructive, they are 500 yards longer than category 2. They are super aggressive to all expect larger kaijus. Their blood is super,super toxic and acidic. Like all kaijus, they can summon other kaijus if necessarily.

Category 4


The massive Category 4 ARC-KAIJUS are 1.5 miles long! They are extremely strong and aggressive. They now can summon not only kaijus, but also meteors,lightning,and tidal waves 10,000 feet high! Also their skin is 50 inch thick and is now also explosion proof.

Category 5

Dwarfing categories 0,1,2,3, and 4 people tend to think that they are the largest ARC-KAIJU category, How wrong are they! There is 95 categories left ( I won't go that far, the kaijus 25 and above are the size of Olympus mons, a volcano the size of Arizona on Mars and above,in fact the largest kaiju are 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ETC light years long!!!), anyway, the category fives are pretty titanic. They are also 2 times bigger than category 4(3.5 miles long),and can also make a sky shattering roar that can make people deaf for miles and miles around.

Category 6

The mighty category 6 are 15 times stronger than the category fives. they are extremely smart and fast. though some category six are a bit smaller than category five, they weigh more. This thing is common in kaijus and dragons.

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